Destination: DETROIT

When you’re willing to go, God will take you places.
This past Thursday and Friday was to Detroit, MI.


A group of students from the His House CMU community decided to be extra intentional with their days, volunteering at 323 Ministries in Highland Park, Detroit, MI. (Why 323? Inspired by Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not human masters.” NIV)

great people, great fun

Thursday afternoon, upon our arrival, we got to engage with the 323 kids during the after school program. We ate dinner with them, did a Bible study together, danced like nobody was watching, played football and soccer, had intentional conversations, laughed, and made memories.

I like to paint.

On Friday, we were flipping the inside of the house that 323 Ministries is based out of. We were repainting the house to allow it to feel more like a home for the children who come to it. We wanted the kids to feel comfortable and relaxed when they entered the home, knowing it is a safe place for them to be themselves and be loved. Along with painting the house, there was a shed being built in the backyard, and there was a group of people helping clean up the old garden and pick up trash around the area.
We got to each lunch and dinner with the kids on Friday and what was incredible was that they were right along side of us volunteering their time too! They wanted to be a part of making this home theirs. Beasts of the Beat performed for us, and their lyrics you could tell came right from the heart. I am certain that this group of young men inspire and have the ability to impact many boys who follow them, encouraging them to live intentional lives and be aware of their journey to manhood (watch this news cover of Beasts of the Beat here).


Being able to see God working through everyone during our short time together was awe-inspiring. The car rides to and from Detroit from Mount Pleasant were intentional, fun, and funny. I wouldn’t have wanted them to go any other way. It is incredible how well you can get to know someone when you each intentionally want to help each other grow closer to God and serve Him by giving our services and our time.

What encouraged me probably the most was that 323 Ministries is run by a husband and a wife who are CMU alumni, Heather & Joe. It was inspiring to see people use their talents, knowledge, and time to continue spreading the kingdom of God. They also opened their homes up for students to sleep in during our stay. Their hearts for serving and glorifying God are evident.

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Jesus is my homeboy.
Forever keepin’ it trill.

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