re- |explained and explored

re- is a common prefix that appears in the English language quite frequently. "Used with the meaning “again” or “again and again” to indicate repetition, or with the meaning “back” or “backward” to indicate withdrawal or backward motion," (, 2018).  In the past few months this prefix has been a RE-occuring theme more and more frequently (emphasis added).... Continue Reading →

Fighting for a Stronger Flint

Saturday 09/24/2016 - wake up call: 5:55 AM. My companions and I arrived earlier than the masses, as we were helping lead the volunteer trip. We met up with our co-lead, staked out a meeting area for our group. 142 students from Central Michigan University loaded up onto busses to make the haul from Mount... Continue Reading →


PLACES I'D RATHER BE – The list that could go on and on... ON the side of a mountain in Colorado swinging in my hammock // IN Alaska hiking the lands at the heart of the Kenai // WITH my new friends volunteering in Omaha, Nebraska // TO the under-glorified parts of New York City... Continue Reading →


During my sophomore year at Central Michigan University I took on the adventure of being a resident assistant in one of the residence halls on campus. An RA holds a spectacular paraprofessional staff position that is full of adventures, meaningful relationships, and challenges that allow for growth beyond measure. As an RA you plan various... Continue Reading →

Destination: DETROIT

When you're willing to go, God will take you places. This past Thursday and Friday was to Detroit, MI.   A group of students from the His House CMU community decided to be extra intentional with their days, volunteering at 323 Ministries in Highland Park, Detroit, MI. (Why 323? Inspired by Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work... Continue Reading →

Uprooting the Roots of Oppression: 5 Tips for Becoming An Ally

[inspired by HDF 110: Roots of Oppression with Cheryl Geisthardt]   In this course we discussed many topics including Racism, Contemporary Issues: Hate in America, Wealth, Race, and Health, Poverty/Environmental Injustice, Poverty and Distribution of Wealth, Education in the U.S., Gender Socialization, Sexual Orientation, Gender Oppression, Oppression and the LGBTQ Community, Religion, Disabilities, Denial/Resistance, and... Continue Reading →

Moments of Leadership

[inspired by course COM 461 L Communication in Leadership // prof. Elizabeth Carlson] Communication and leadership. How are they connected? When do you use them? How do you use them? These are just a few questions that were bounced around during the introductory days of this course. Now we are in the depths of the nitty... Continue Reading →

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Okay, so we we aren't monkeys exactly. Yes, some days we're goofy enough together that it may be easily mistaken, but I wouldn't trade that for the world. Emily (my mentee in LAS) and I were able to connect and build a solid foundation for our friendship/mentorship during her first semester at CMU. Gradually I did as... Continue Reading →

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