I Moved to London, England

Moving to London has not been a PIZZA cake, but it's been a delicious adventure. Sometimes I daydreamed about packing my bags just for fun. Suddenly, just like that, I packed my bags and was off. Thanking for joining me on this journey! I am attending school at University of East London. I live on... Continue Reading →

30 Seconds of Bravery

One of my favorite things about writing is that I know I don't have to do it alone. Sometimes a topic or idea is placed in my head or on my heart, but alone I can only reach so far - this is one of those times! I had an idea and wanted input from... Continue Reading →

LAS in Detroit – LEAD Team

It's my third year on campus, and I finally got placed on the LAS in Detroit LEAD Team. My co-lead was Conner so the excitement continued. DAY 1:  PART 1 - Jalen Rose Leadership Academy. 15000 Trojan St., Detroit, MI 48235 As a leader, we led our group members from the LAS freshman class to... Continue Reading →

Fighting for a Stronger Flint

Saturday 09/24/2016 - wake up call: 5:55 AM. My companions and I arrived earlier than the masses, as we were helping lead the volunteer trip. We met up with our co-lead, staked out a meeting area for our group. 142 students from Central Michigan University loaded up onto busses to make the haul from Mount... Continue Reading →

these people make His House feel like home

His House Christian Fellowship is a campus ministry and here at Central Michigan University is pretty well known. My freshman year I attended for the first time (because it was recommended to me by an alumi from my hometown). I was immersed with community. I could tell this place was unique. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Last year I... Continue Reading →

empty / half-empty / half-full / overflowing

Have you heard of the Bucket Man? He encouraged others to be kind, fill people's buckets (not be a bucket dipper), make them feel important, love them, and live life with them? (click here to learn more) Well, as followers of Christ we are called to be bucket fillers. If you call yourself a Christian, by definition you are a... Continue Reading →

The Delicate Balance of Work & Play

What is 'work and play' must function in a delicate balance for a travel enthusiast to be able to explore the world while still making a dime (or two). So let me tell you... When the opportunity presented itself to work for a company that allowed me to travel and have fun working while being... Continue Reading →


During my sophomore year at Central Michigan University I took on the adventure of being a resident assistant in one of the residence halls on campus. An RA holds a spectacular paraprofessional staff position that is full of adventures, meaningful relationships, and challenges that allow for growth beyond measure. As an RA you plan various... Continue Reading →

Destination: Detroit (2)

I decided to break it into a 3 part piece highlighting my adventures of the past few days: Part 1: This past Tuesday I was able to travel to Highland Park in Detroit, MI to work with the kids at 323 (Highland Park Community Outreach) during their after school ministry program. This was my second... Continue Reading →

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